The Grand Tours Group is a multinational Tourism Oriented Group, Having offices in the USA, Canada and Pakistan. Grand Tours believes in the rejuvenation of tourism within Pakistan and aims to aid the country’s vision towards making tourism a vital and integral part of the economy in the coming years.

We at Grand Tours recognize the potential of Pakistan’s historical, cultural, mountainous and religious tourism. And aim to become an ease of accessibility window for people from all parts of the world to experience this.

Grand Tours brings you an authentic experience while at the same time becoming your reliable partner at home away from home. Be it a Sikh Yatra at the enlightening Panja Sahib, the adventure lover at the breathtaking glaciers of Hunza Valley, the history enthusiast coming to see the sights and sounds of the old walled city of Lahore or the Bhuddist coming to see the inspiring Bhudda statue in Swat, Grand Tours offers a truly unique and customized experience for all.